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With an easy online application, terms up to five years and flexible payment options (either bi-weekly or monthly), we take the stress out of big bills by giving you ample time to pay for your purchase.
March of Dimes Canada’s Home and Vehicle Modification Program provides funding for basic home and/or vehicle modifications. By reducing or eliminating physical barriers which create life safety risks, modifications, adaptations, and devices enable children and adults with mobility restrictions to continue living in their homes, avoid job loss, and participate in their communities.
Provides coverage for assistive devices and accessories that help people do everyday tasks and live independently. Repairs and maintenance are also covered.
Examples of devices or accessories covered include:
ODSP offers:
If you are eligible for ODSP, the amount of money you get will depend on your specific situation.
Ontario Works can help with some of the costs that the Assistive Devices Program does not cover. Ontario Works can also help with the cost of batteries and repairs to assistive devices, such as powered wheelchairs.
Ontario Works provides some benefits for health and other costs, depending on your circumstances.
If you need to apply for Ontario Works, you can find out if you are eligible and how to apply.
Easter Seals Ontario is dedicated to helping children, youth, and young adults with physical disabilities carve their own path into the world.
ALS Canada helps people diagnosed with ALS to cope with the daily challenges of decreasing mobility and communication ability and to help with retaining independence. Access to equipment and assistive devices is essential for your safety, comfort, and functioning as a person living with ALS.
To find out more about the program and see if you are eligible, please review the Program Overview.
The Quality of Life Program provides practical assistance to people, helping them access equipment & assistive technology that promotes independence in their daily lives. Apply here
Muscular Dystrophy Canada’s Equipment Program has assisted thousands of Canadians to access the equipment needed to enhance their quality of life. By working with other funders and the government, they share resources to best leverage donor dollars to cover the costs of assistive devices, equipment and accessible technology.
Assistance with navigation support as well as financial help through the Equipment for Independence Program.
Get help paying for a mobility aid when you qualify for the Assistive Devices Program.
To qualify, you must:
Be an Ontario Resident
Have a valid Ontario Health Card
Have a disability requiring a mobility aid for 6 months or longer
ADP does not consider your income.
You do not qualify, if you:
Already qualify for or are receiving financial support from the
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board for the same mobility aid
Are a Group “A” veteran and already qualify for or are
receiving financial support from Veterans Affairs Canada for the same mobility aid
The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) will help cover the costs of:
manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs and power scooters
power add-ons (devices added to a manual wheelchair if you don’t need a power wheelchair)
positioning devices (e.g. cushions, back and head supports, power tilt and recline)
wheeled walkers for adults
pediatric walkers, standers and strollers
You can apply to replace your mobility aid if:
Your medical condition and/or functional ability has changed
and your current mobility aid no longer meets your needs
Your body size has changed and your current mobility aid no longer fits
The mobility aid is worn out, no longer covered by warranty
and cannot be repaired at a reasonable cost
ADP does not cover costs to replace a lost mobility aid or to repair aids damaged through misuse or neglect.
Equipment sold at Comfort Mobility Inc. has a limited warranty against manufacturer defects.
The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) will help cover the costs of:
manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs and power scooters
power add-ons (devices added to a manual wheelchair if you don’t need a power wheelchair)
positioning devices (e.g. cushions, back and head supports, power tilt and recline)
wheeled walkers for adults
pediatric walkers, standers and strollers ADP will pay 75% of the ADP price for mobility aids. You must pay the remaining 25% of the cost.
When ADP sets the ADP price for each mobility aid, they take into account:
Manufacturer’s and/or distributor’s costs
Complexity of device
A business can’t charge you more than the ADP price for the approved device.
You have to pay for additional items not covered by the ADP
(e.g. add-on accessories, batteries for power wheelchairs, etc.)
The ADP covers 100% of the cost, if you receive financial support from one of these programs:
Ontario Works
Ontario Disability Support Program
Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities
Note: If you have Green Shield, Comfort Mobility Inc. can bill
directly for the remaining portion if your benefits cover it.
A formal Assessment by an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist
registered as an ADP Authorizer is required.
(Fee for Assessment to be paid directly to Therapist)
This will confirm that you need a mobility aid and determine which type best suits your needs.
ADP Application must be completed by you and your Therapist.
We Comfort Mobility Inc. will then fill your prescription based on the Therapist's application.
You can choose the company you want for your mobility equipment and services whether you reside at home or in a long-term care facility.
Other mobility companies may offer similar equipment but service is where we excel!
Company/Vendor must be a Registered ADP Vendor
ADP aims to review your application within eight weeks of receiving it.
If you order or buy the mobility aid(s) before we have completed our review, and your application is denied, you are responsible for the full cost.
If your application has been denied, you will receive a letter from us telling you the reason for the denial and how you can follow up, including appealing our decision.
If your application is approved, ADP will contact your vendor and Occupational Therapist/Physiotherapist by mail. They will contact you and arrange a time for your mobility aid to be delivered if it has not already been provided.
When you get the mobility aid(s), you must pay your 25% share. We pay the vendor the 75% separately.
A high technology power wheelchair has power dynamic tilt and/or recline.
If you’re applying to the ADP for one of these wheelchairs, you must buy it from the
Central Equipment Pool for High Technology Wheelchairs (CEP).
The CEP:
sells high technology power wheelchairs at a discounted price.
gives rebates for equipment returned to the pool when no longer needed
provides all routine maintenance and repair
Comfort Mobility Inc. does not do CEP
Information above regarding the ADP program obtained from the website. Information may be out of date,
please refer to for complete up to date overview of the ADP Program
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Website Design by Jessica Fase Senay
2707 Temple Drive, Windsor ON N8W 5E5
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